Unlocking Success: Female Voices on professional growth

Expert tips from women engaged in our programs

Recognizing this year´s International Womens Day, we want to share the inspiring interviews with three of our many training program participants.

Meet Céline Mullet and Bela Bhandari, who joined our “Leadership for women – boost your self-positioning”1 Program, and Aned Burgos, who participated in our “DEI” program2 and “Employee impact groups”. During our interview, we talked about their journey to success and explored how Fresenius Kabi supported them. Gain insights into their experiences and valuable advice for advancing your career!

Céline Mullet 

Business Unit Manager Enteral Nutrition Retail, France; participated in Leadership for Women program – Boost your self-positioning.

Bela Bhandari 

Senior Director, Marketing, Based at Lake Zurich, USA; participated in Leadership for women - Boost your self-positioning.

Aned Burgos 

Senior Quality Engineering Manager, Fresenius Kabi MedTech US Region; participated in “DEI” Program & “Employee Impact Groups”

Why did you choose to participate in the program? 

Céline Mullet: My HR department proposed me to participate in this program to support me in my career development. 

Bela Bhandari: I was nominated by my manager. It was a wonderful experience to be on the learning journey together with many diverse, cross-functional global colleagues to share perspectives on leadership. It was great to work in smaller peer groups to exchange ideas and findings; we were able to truly work as a global team. The program made me more aware that women across different geographies face several common challenges, have different perspectives and take different approaches to address them. It was both motivating and inspiring to learn from each other. The program provided tools and insights on various topics including communication, negotiation, and leadership presence. The module on unconscious bias was a great reminder of common unconscious biases and how one can be more mindful as we work with various teams and practice inclusive leadership. 

Aned Burgos: It is an opportunity to collaborate, to connect, to show your own passion & commitment.


How has Fresenius Kabi been supporting you in your career? 

Bela Bhandari: Fresenius Kabi has provided me with several avenues, both formal and informal, to expand my learning and career journey. I would attribute a significant part of my career growth at Fresenius Kabi to on-the-job learning. I am always curious to learn, eager to deliver and have a passion to work with cross functional colleagues and Fresenius Kabi provided me that platform. Programs like the women’s leadership training provided me with tools and strategies to apply in my career journey.

Aned Burgos: Fresenius Kabi is giving me a lot of rewarding experiences; building collaboration, mentorship; connecting and learning from others.


Are there specific resources or strategies you found particularly helpful in your career? 

Céline Mullet: Based on the PIE (Performance, Image, Exposure) model, exposure is the main driver of career development with about 60%. That’s why I found particularly helpful the stakeholder management and communication strategies which are essential to increase my stakeholder influence and also my impact in communication.

Bela Bhandari: I have found many strategies helpful at different points in my career, but the two that stand out to me are the importance of being open and curious and the value of developing strong networks. I’ve also learned that being resilient, persistent and empathetic helped me to continuously embrace bigger and better challenges. 

Aned Burgos: The DEI & Employee Impact Groups have been a great initiative, empowering employees by making decisions and encouraging innovation. I am part of Women’s Voice and ¡HOLA!3; through these initiatives I am STEM mentor. Mentoring young women interested in STEM has been a rewarding opportunity to reflect on my own experiences and to become a better leader and person.


Do you have any advice for women to further their career? 

Céline Mullet: Work on your personal brand and promote it! Exposure and image are critical for a successful career

Bela Bhandari: Know what and where you want to be in your career and own it. Create your own personal definition of success and be open to new challenges. And lastly surround yourself with the best and the brightest. 

Aned Burgos: Take one day at a time and have courage and seek feedback. Engage with other team members, learn from them and network. And if you enjoy what you do, the rest will come by naturally. 

1 The “Leadership for Women” program brings female leaders from different countries and functions together and is dedicated to improving communication, negotiation skills as well as understand how to improve leadership presence for its participants.

2 The “DEI” program focuses on creating spaces for different groups at Fresenius Kabi to give the opportunity for employees to exchange knowledge. 

3 ¡HOLA! Employee Impact Group is a newly established group, which acts as a center of connection for our Hispanic/Latin@ employees and is dedicated to celebrating the contributions and diversity of all Hispanic/Latin@ communities.

Find out more about the employees of Fresenius Kabi