Our Commitment to Our Communities

Valuing the Quality of Life of Those Around Us

By actively participating in community development and addressing social and environmental challenges, companies are practicing good corporate citizenship. The benefits are multifaceted: positive social impact, improved community well-being, and long-term sustainable development aren’t easy to quantify but are crucial for building stronger, more resilient communities.

We are aware that our business does not exist separately from the world around us. As such, we are engaged to help combat the issues facing our communities. Our social engagement forms an important aspect of our corporate culture, while our actions focus on creating value for both our company and society at large. 

Because we care for the communities in which we belong, we aim to improve health, well-being, and access to healthcare. We achieve this through three pillars: access to health, health education, and neighborhood support. These initiatives show our communities they can rely on us, especially during global pandemics, natural disasters, and other challenging times, leading to greater trust, a closer connection to society, and, ultimately, a healthier future for all of us. 

Our commitment to community-related Sustainable Development Goals 

With our good corporate citizenship activities, we support these SDGs.

SDG 3 aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
In addition to our products, we support SDG 3 through:

  • Supporting events and organizations that contribute to the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases, such as Breast Cancer Awareness Week
  • Supporting access to medications through the development and distribution of biosimilars, cost-effective alternatives to the originator products, which enable greater access. 

SDG 4 aims to ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
We contribute to this goal with mandatory global trainings for our employees, like occupational health and safety and environmental management, including the Code of Conduct learning module with a chapter on human rights. 

SDG 8 aims to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, as well as full, productive employment and decent work for all. We support innovation and research with our decentralized organizational structure in different markets. Our investments promote local innovation and education in countries of varying economic backgrounds. These efforts help contribute to consistent, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth and employment. We also believe it is critical to protect labor rights and promote safe, secure working environments for all workers by assessing occupational health and safety (OHS), environment, ethics, and more. We also expect our business partners and suppliers to commit to our ethical principles. 

SDG 10 aims to reduce inequality within and among countries.
We want to empower and promote the social, economic, and political inclusion of all – irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic background, or other status. Our codes of conduct ensure that human rights, as well as diversity and equity, are respected in our own operations, as well as throughout the entire supply chain. 

Access to healthcare for the community

We are committed to improving quality of life for all

Healthcare is a fundamental human right and essential to any viable society – yet not all people receive the healthcare they need. This is also true for many of the communities where we work. As a global healthcare company, we are responsible for making healthcare and medicine as accessible as possible. That is why our products and services are all developed around our top priority: the quality of life of patients worldwide. 

Our health focus is reflected in several ongoing projects, from donations and financial support to awareness campaigns, patient programs, and more. Disaster relief plays an increasingly critical role in our societal engagement. This is also where our mission, “Caring for life,” becomes our purpose. And it is this spirit that unites our more than 43,000 colleagues all over the world.

Building better lives with Americares, USA

In the US, Fresenius Kabi has worked with Americares for more than 10 years. Through financial support and in-kind (product) donations for missions both in the US and internationally, we support this non-profit organization as they help people impacted by poverty and disaster build better lives through better health. 

Combatting malnutrition in Latin America

In 2014, we established our initiative “United for Clinical Nutrition” to raise awareness for medical nutrition therapy and reduce the prevalence of malnutrition in hospitals around the world. Part of this initiative includes making research grants available to institutions.

Partner in disaster relief

We have a crisis team that convenes immediately after an event that could lead to an emergency, supervised by members of the executive board. The crisis team coordinates activities and monitors the initiated response measures. 

Health education 

Better health through better knowledge

Health through education is crucial for promoting and maintaining the well-being of individuals, communities, societies, and the world as a whole. As such, health education is a key pillar of our mission. Our mission, “Caring for life,” enables us to make an impact far beyond pharmaceuticals and devices. 

We want to improve health education by providing information to healthcare professionals, nurses, patients, and their families. We also support and participate in pharmacy, university, and sports events; promote science and innovation; and volunteer in children’s projects. 

Patient support program through KabiCare®

We offer KabiCare®, a comprehensive patient support program for patients and healthcare professionals alike. This program supports people being treated with one of our biosimilar products. KabiCare® includes information about autoimmune diseases and biosimilar medicines, customized to each patient. Additional training material, coaching tools, nutrition information, and practical tips give healthcare professionals the tools they need to support their patients living with chronic inflammation. 


Breast Cancer Awareness Month activities all over the world

In the spirit of “caring for life,” our colleagues joined in activities to support October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month since promoting early detection and related care can save lives. Fresenius Kabi colleagues in several cities put on their running shoes or participated in other events held in conjunction with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, including: 

  • The Pink Walk in Mirandola, Italy
  • The American Cancer Society walk in Chicago
  • “Pink Fridays” in Haina, Dominican Republic 
  • The Odysséa run in France
  • The Corrida e Caminhada Contra o Câncer de Mama in São Paulo
Fresenius Kabi employees teaming up for the Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Neighborhood support

We strive to be the best neighbor we can be

We all belong to one global community, but we believe that community support starts in your own neighborhood. That is why we support our local neighborhoods by being valuable contributors wherever we work and live. We engage directly in the most pressing issues in these areas. 

We play an active role in supporting non-profit organizations through financial and product donations. We assist in charitable activities to raise awareness for good causes such as tree planting, clean-ups, and charity work. All because we truly value giving back to our community.