
SmofKabiven® / SmofKabiven® Peripheral


  • 3 Chamber Bag with separate compartments for a combination of amino acids, fat and glucose and electrolytes
  • The fluids are separated until administration
  • For central / peripheral venous application

The signs/names marked with ® are registered trademarks of the Fresenius Group in selected countries.


​Parenteral nutrition for adult patients when oral or enteral nutrition is impossible, insufficient or contraindicated


  • Parenteral nutrition, ensuring the appropriate nutrition for most patients in a single bag
  • Contains SMOFlipid® - a unique 4-oil mix
  • High amino acid content
  • Contains taurine in the amino acid solution
  • Several bag sizes to meet varying patient requirements
  • Convenient, time-saving* usability and easy handling
  • Storable up to 24 months without refrigeration
  • Environmentally-friendly packaging

* Pertkiewicz M, Dudrick SJ 2009

The signs/names marked with ® are registered trademarks of the Fresenius Group in selected countries.


​Containers: Infusion bags 

  • Bag sizes for central venous administration:
    493 ml*, 986 ml, 1477 ml, 1970 ml and 2463 ml with and without electrolytes
  • Bag sizes for peripheral venous administration:
    1206 ml, 1448 ml and 1904 ml

Dosage / Administration:

Please refer to the nationally registered and approved "Product Information".

* available with electrolytes only

Product Information

​Please note that these products may not be available in all countries due to different registration status. Additionally, approved indications, contraindications, side effects, warnings and all over product characteristics may differ between countries. Therefore, always the text of the nationally registered and approved product information is binding!
Furthermore, country specific regulatory considerations affect the information we can provide on our products.

If you require any information please contact your local organization.